Our intake is currently CLOSED.
We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Surrender Your Dog
Thank you for entrusting your precious dog to our rescue program so that he or she may have a new life. We realize there are many good reasons for relinquishment and respect those decisions. Giving your dog this opportunity is an act of love, and you are definitely doing the right thing. Some owners fear that we will put down their dogs when they come into rescue. Please rest assured: we are a dedicated rescue program for dogs that need us, and we love all our dogs. Our mission is to care for animals that are friendly, and find them the best family possible for a great match.
Please complete and submit the questionnaire for consideration for intake of your owner surrender with Albert's Dog Lounge. Submitting this form helps us locate a foster home and determine the ability to intake your dog. Completing this form does not automatically mean acceptance of your dog into our program. Once completed, a representative from Albert's Dog Lounge will email you within 3-5 days.
Albert’s Dog Lounge will take in local owner surrenders when there is foster availability. Please note: Albert's Dog Lounge is not an all-breed, all-age rescue. We specialize in senior and special needs dogs (i.e., medical conditions, physical limitations, hospice, etc.)
Once the surrender form is completed and submitted, you must email 1-3 photos of the dog you are surrendering to albertsdoglounge@gmail.com. If photo(s) are not received, the surrender request will be considered incomplete and not processed.
Albert's Dog Lounge does not require an owner surrender fee but encourages a donation toward the care of your pet being surrendered.
An additional document is required once a dog is accepted into our program. This will be the actual owner surrender form relinquishing ownership, along with any copies of vet records for the past three years.
The owner will be required to take the dog to the foster home unless other arrangements have been agreed upon by both parties.
Unfortunately, we cannot intake any dogs with a bite risk, bite history, and/or dogs that are not people or dog-friendly.
Please make sure this is the right decision for you. Much work goes into taking a dog into our program. To be able to help as many dogs as possible, we ask that you make sure that you are committed to allowing us to help.
For questions regarding dogs needing to be surrendered, please email albertsdoglounge@gmail.com.